Star Wars Rogue One Style Lighting

Your Surface may be too bright. My average color texture brightness is around 150 - 180 sRGB.


P.s.: Don't forget to brighten the windows.

I feel like this is a silly question, but where do i adjust this (colour texture brightness is around 150 - 180 sRGB.)

I have pumped the windows up to 100% Luminosity
I feel like this is a silly question, but where do i adjust this (colour texture brightness is around 150 - 180 sRGB.)

I'm using a texture map for the color. Basically a gray area with lighter and darker areas. These have RGB values between approx. 150 and 180. Do you use a texture or just a color for the base color? Use RGB values round about 160.

Just a standard texture plugged into Principled BSDF

This is also similar to my setup.
My texture is very slightly bluish, too. To do this, I multiply a slightly bluish BG color with the texture.


I like the combination of the warm sunlight with the cold grey ship hull.

Maybe you try to reduce the light intensity of the sun a bit.

Quite far our from here

This is also similar to my setup.
My texture is very slightly bluish, too. To do this, I multiply a slightly bluish BG color with the texture.

View attachment 155786

I like the combination of the warm sunlight with the cold grey ship hull.

Maybe you try to reduce the light intensity of the sun a bit.


Exactly, that combination of warm sunlight and grey and white is kind of the key.
Black, grey and white is just too monocromic, the black darkness with a tint warm light together with some fill lights of either slight bluish tone,
or a little of orange tone to fill in the underside of the ship, like planet radiation is a good combo, it gives a nice color scheme.

One can also use the color tool in between the image node and the color slot, to interactively balance saturation of the image, contrast, and brightness and even hue values.

By the way, there are many destroyer models out there, have a few downloaded somewhere, but if you have a link to those used here, would be good to have as a reference when testing..if they still are free or so?
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Case studies on Rogue One by Alan Mc Kay,
timestamp bookmark at where he starts talking about the lighting of the ship, other goodies about the VFX such as explosions, simulations are there as well..

Exactly, that combination of warm sunlight and grey and white is kind of the key.
Black, grey and white is just too monocromic, the black darkness with a tint warm light together with some fill lights of either slight bluish tone,
or a little of orange tone to fill in the underside of the ship, like planet radiation is a good combo, it gives a nice color scheme.

One can also use the color tool in between the image node and the color slot, to interactively balance saturation of the image, contrast, and brightness and even hue values.

By the way, there are many destroyer models out there, have a few downloaded somewhere, but if you have a link to those used here, would be good to have as a reference when testing..if they still are free or so?
This model is bought, but if you have a free one i can switch it out and put a scene file on here, might be fun.

there used to be loads of star wars free models in .LWO, but they all seemed of of gone now, Foundation3D etc....
This model is bought, but if you have a free one i can switch it out and put a scene file on here, might be fun.

there used to be loads of star wars free models in .LWO, but they all seemed of of gone now, Foundation3D etc....

I have some of those, but more Alien stuff, don´t think I downloaded that many Starwars models, have to manage that foundation folder properly, saved on different drives so I am compiling them to one folder this week.

Yeah..a pity foundation3D isn´t working anymore.

Not sure if it would be apropiate to share somewhere, would need to contact them..I think they were just too busy with other stuff..but not sure.

nostromo_volumetric pass.jpg
The StarWars models are now in bundled packs..
Star Wars | Ultimate Vehicles Pack - Sci-Fi 3D (

Some star destroyer types there, so that linked model could be there, will have to check, downloading most stuff now.

Different sections as well, seems some were originally from foundation 3D as well, the space jockey is there for instance.
Sections for Aliens, Blade Runner, StarTrek. Battlestar galactiva as well as Star wars, either as split rar parts, or a combined single rar file to download.

One thing though that those providing the models should do, Always include credit text in their zip files.
Sketchfab for instance, it´s a mess sometimes where models do Not contain the authors name, you have to specificly copy the credits and paste each download, which is a bit of a hazzle instead of just having it ready in the downloaded zip file.
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Don´t forget engine boosters :)

Now..several ways to do that, I am actually in the middle of testing various ways for speed, efficiencty and best looks.
You could try surface illuminated engines, post glow, or try volumetrics with specific lights.

Now..each engine light would need raycast shadow in order for any camera movement around the ship, or the ship rotating in front of the camera, if not you would see the volumetric lighting overlayed shining through and not obscured, however, this means very slow rendering often, occasionally you may get by with turning that off.
And you could then just render out the global scattering of the light in a seperate pass, as I did with the nostromo model in previous posts, that allows you in composting to correct glow intensity of it, color changes and more, including adding rays and all kinds of stuff, with fusion for example.

most realistic approach would be render in one past to allow for volumetric light to be obscured properly by all mesh parts.

global scatter you would in this case mostly like a high anisotrophy to tighten the scatter only around the proximity of the engines, this will be noisy and requires more volumetric or camera samples.

You could instead keep anisotrophy at very low level, faster and cleaner, and in the global scatter node editing, add a scalar layer with gradient set to object, and feed that to the scatter weight.

Using raycast shadows for those engine lights, if it´s pointlights, the resulting shadow blocking kind of gets a bit too sharp, so there are some ways to adress that without turning shadows off for them, like increasing size of a spherical light to soften the sharpness, or use other types of lights.

engine boosters.jpg