Thomas Leitner
no dust in space?..what about nebula and gases?
(that would be more realistic, since there is no dense dust in outer space)
no dust in space?..what about nebula and gases?
(that would be more realistic, since there is no dense dust in outer space)
Well we got the lighting settings haha!, now just need to tone it down whilst trying to keep this look.
Your Surface may be too bright. My average color texture brightness is around 150 - 180 sRGB.
P.s.: Don't forget to brighten the windows.
I feel like this is a silly question, but where do i adjust this (colour texture brightness is around 150 - 180 sRGB.)
Just a standard texture plugged into Principled BSDF
Quite far our from here
This is also similar to my setup.
My texture is very slightly bluish, too. To do this, I multiply a slightly bluish BG color with the texture.
View attachment 155786
I like the combination of the warm sunlight with the cold grey ship hull.
Maybe you try to reduce the light intensity of the sun a bit.
This model is bought, but if you have a free one i can switch it out and put a scene file on here, might be fun.Exactly, that combination of warm sunlight and grey and white is kind of the key.
Black, grey and white is just too monocromic, the black darkness with a tint warm light together with some fill lights of either slight bluish tone,
or a little of orange tone to fill in the underside of the ship, like planet radiation is a good combo, it gives a nice color scheme.
One can also use the color tool in between the image node and the color slot, to interactively balance saturation of the image, contrast, and brightness and even hue values.
By the way, there are many destroyer models out there, have a few downloaded somewhere, but if you have a link to those used here, would be good to have as a reference when testing..if they still are free or so?
By the way, there are many destroyer models out there, have a few downloaded somewhere, but if you have a link to those used here, would be good to have as a reference when testing..if they still are free or so?
This model is bought, but if you have a free one i can switch it out and put a scene file on here, might be fun.
there used to be loads of star wars free models in .LWO, but they all seemed of of gone now, Foundation3D etc....
Thank you Thomas,I use the link Erik posted here: