ndi-record doesn't work for audio only sources


New member
I have an audio capture device source configured in OBS Studio for which I have added a "Dedicated NDI™ output (Audio Only)"-filter to.
When I try to run the command line tool ndi-record on that source the recorder doesn't start. Is this because the ndi-recorder doesn't support audio-only sources or is there something else I am missing?
For reference, when adding a "Dedicated NDI™ output"-filter to a visual component in OBS, then ndi-record works fine recording that as a video source. Thus, the dedicated NDI output filter in OBS seems to produce proper NDI streams. Also, adding the audio-only stream in other OBS scenes as an NDI source works.

These are the versions I have running on Ubuntu 22.04
* NDI Stream Record v5.6.0.0 (NDI SDK LINUX 10:26:04 Nov 17 2023 5.6.0)
* OBS 30.0.1
* obs-ndi plugin version 4.13.0

If ndi-record doesn't support recording audio-only sources, is it something that will be added in the near future?