Live Graphics Animation turn off Loop


New member
Dear all,

for a few days I'm trying to create a livegraphics animation for a lower third (with the AE Plugin) for the Tricaster Elite 2.
The Animation includes times fade ins and outs. The goal is, to assing the buffer to an dsk, press the TAKE button and the buffer starts the animation (15seconds long).

After some tests I found out the best solution is to use NO MARKERS in the AE-Comp. It works really well for my animation in the Tricaster.
But one problem left. The livegraphics lowerthird, loaded into a (animation)buffer is still cycle the whole animation.

Any suggestions/solutions how to turn off the cycle? (in the Tricaster/in AE)

I tried the solution written in the offical plugin documentation (marks in AE with Intro, Outro and Loop) but it still not works

Thanks for all

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