Using the Key in Virtual Set


New member
Im trying a way to 'place' the Greenscreen Keyed Camera over the Virtual Set desk.
If I 'Key' the camera source using the Key row within the M/E Row where the Virtual Set is setup, which means then, I have Black as the source for Camera, it allows me to then place the Presenter into the Virtual Set Desk, where I can have them with their arms actually seen on the Desk. Instead of their arms being 'cut off' at Desk height.
I can Zoom and position the Key to have the source 'Merge' with the Virtual Set.
Only issue is if I select the 'Augmented Reality' Box for the Key, the resultant image becomes a very Low -Res output.
This Box can be left unchecked, but this function could be good if needed in the future.
I often do something similar, primarily to use a full-frame keyed input. I had not noticed an issue with AR, but will look into it and generate a bug case if I see the same issue in the latest build (I expect will).
Hmmm. This combination is not something I'd looked at before, but it's interesting. It does have some inherent limitations in that in more extreme panning settings the Key source can sometimes seem to be cropped, but leaving that aside, it's kind of cool.

I am not, however, seeing anything unexpected as respects the Key source resolution. It does soften noticeably when the 'parallax' effect results in it being scaled up quite a bit, just as you'd expect to happen if you zoomed in on the same source by a similar amount on the Switcher, quite apart from a LiveSet effect. That's not the problem I thought you were referring to, though. The only way to beat that, I think, would require either a higher res source, or a more sophisticated upscaling implementation.