Engine Console Busy ?

Stephen Mare

New member
Hi All

I have a great need to find out if there is a command of any kind that I can use to find out if a Viz Engine is busy or idle and ready. We are using a huge amount of data that we have to delay in order for the viz scene to build. Would be good to see when the engine is done with a current command, and ready action the next

Quite an urgent fix required.

Hi Steve,

There are many ways of archiving this (UDC / TCP /HTTP).

How are you sending data to Viz Engine? Shared Memory, Data Pool, or talking directly to plugins?

But if you really want to send TCP commands to the viz engine you can try to send it to port 14300. As in the documentation :

Viz Engine14300Alternative port used to avoid conflicts with port 6100 (for example, when using Viz Multiplexer). Port 6100 is normally used by renderers that are On Air, hence, it is (for example, when running Viz Pilot version 4 or Graphics Plugin towards Viz Artist/Viz Engine 2.x) recommended to use another port. Port 14300 is an optional port. The default 6100 may also be used if the renderer is not used On Air.

Source: https://documentation.vizrt.com/viz-engine-guide/5.0/Ports_and_Connections.html

best regards,