Capture answer from Engine


New member
If I send from Trio:

TrioCmd("trio:send_vizcmd RENDERER*STAGE*DIRECTOR*<DirectorName> GET_TIMELINE")

to know where Director is positioned,

How I get the answer from Engine and assign it to a variable?

When you use TrioCmd("channelcontrol:wait_vizcmd_to_channel <channel-name> <command>") you get the answer of that command. But you have to specify the channel then.
I'm trying to get a list of images from a Viz folder with the command:

result = TrioCmd("channelcontrol:wait_vizcmd_to_channel "&hst&" IMAGE*/the_path_to_the_images GET")

and hst is the IP of a machine running Viz, and I get an error telling me that no connection was made because de machine actively refudes it.
So, how can I get a list of images of a Viz folder, from within Trio?
Ok, the problem was that I didn't had the host machine added as a channel in Trio. As soon as I added it, it worked.