TriCaster Mini can't see D drive


New member
Hello, we have a TriCaster Mini AE3 HD4 Windows 10 system and it's lost the ability to see the D drive. I work at a government agency - we have IT that deals with these issues. The IT person can't find a solution - he says the system sees the drive but the TriCaster Software does not. Thoughts on this?
You are saying that the D: drive appears in Windows? (Not in disk manager, but in an explorer window?)
You are saying that the D: drive appears in Windows? (Not in disk manager, but in an explorer window?)
Sorry for the delayed response, been busy... I guess we've found the issue - new error message is "An operating system wasn't found. Try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system" So, we have dead drive(s)...
I'd start with contacting Vizrt support and see what can they do.
Hi Kane, so now the system has a "An operating system wasn't found. Try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system." error message. HD is probably toast.

That said, we were going to buy a new Mini X system to go to Windows 11 later this year. We may now expedite that. Will a Mini CS from about 2016 work with the new Mini X? Also, is there a list or "storyboard" of the virtual sets that come with the Mini X? There's one in particular that I use frequently, which I attachedTriCaster virtual set.png...
Yes, the older MiniCS unit will work. However, depending on the exact model of the MiniCS, some of the button crosspoint labels might be different.

Here is the current button crosspoint order used on Mini X (or Mini 4K, Mini S).
I don't have the list in front of me, but all of the TriCaster models ship with the same base set of virtual sets (Mini Go, Mini X, Mini X, TC 410 Plus and TC1). I think there are approx. 35 base sets.

TriCaster TC1 Pro, TC2 Elite and Vizion systems do have some additional virtual sets which are included beyond the base sets. (I think this adds an extra 8 sets on these models).

Maybe the better question to ask is what set are you looking for?
I don't have the list in front of me, but all of the TriCaster models ship with the same base set of virtual sets (Mini Go, Mini X, Mini X, TC 410 Plus and TC1). I think there are approx. 35 base sets.

TriCaster TC1 Pro, TC2 Elite and Vizion systems do have some additional virtual sets which are included beyond the base sets. (I think this adds an extra 8 sets on these models).

Maybe the better question to ask is what set are you looking for?
Its the set pictured below:
TriCaster virtual set.png