Scripting and transition logic documentation


New member
Hello everyone.
I am starting to train and learn about the Viz artist.
1_ I can't find a scripting reference manual. I don't know how to get it. The Viz artist manual covers scripting briefly.
2_ I am also interested in Transition logic and I don't know if there is specific documentation for it.
I still don't have Viz artist installed at work but I wanted to learn as soon as possible.
Thank you
Thanks peter.
As I said I don't have Viz artist installed at work yet. My idea was to learn before having it installed. I knew that in the installation there is a script reference doc but since I don't have it installed I can't access it.
I am taking the introductory scripting course that you recommend, but I would like to have a script reference manual that I do not have since I do not have Viz installed.
I couldn't find the other Transition Logic course. Thanks for the link!
Thanks for these resources. They are going to be very useful to me! I already have work for a few days!
In any case, I am still missing the script reference manual that is inside the program and until I can install it I will not have it. I think that this script reference manual is very important and I don't know why they don't have it downloadable in the documentation. It is a pity.
Thanks for these resources!
I have added the files to the Artist folder in the link above. just open the index.html in the folder called viz-script-doc-webhelp and youre good to go.