Script - Send Silent Command?


New member
I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to send a silent command (so that it doesn't show in the console window) in Viz Scripting? I need to monitor a clock so am using the following command OnExecPerField():

dim iTime as Integer = CInt(this.System.SendCommand("CLOCK0*TIME GET"))

It all works fine, however - it's a bit annoying that the console is then filled with these messages when trying to debug something else in the scene.

Seven years later, hopping that the @ trick could already work now, I tryed it in System.SendCommand("@MAIN IS_ON_AIR") but it still displays "COMMAND mapped to ID of "current session" (000002AD33714150)" in the Console.
Is there still no way to prevent a command to output something to the Console?
Seven years later, hopping that the @ trick could already work now, I tryed it in System.SendCommand("@MAIN IS_ON_AIR") but it still displays "COMMAND mapped to ID of "current session" (000002AD33714150)" in the Console.
Is there still no way to prevent a command to output something to the Console?
I don't know if this would work, but you can try changing the log level in the console:
The problem is that I work on a TV station and there are many computers with Viz. Those options would have to be turned on in ALL computers that have Viz. None of the Viz users has administrator privileges.
It is weird that such a simple thing could not be achieved with a simple command.
The problem is that I work on a TV station and there are many computers with Viz. Those options would have to be turned on in ALL computers that have Viz. None of the Viz users has administrator privileges.
It is weird that such a simple thing could not be achieved with a simple command.
That is understandable. Viz users don't need admin rights.
But I am sure you have a tech department (engineering, support or however is called) that handles hardware and software maintenance and configuration. You can ask them to turn on the option you prefer, then you manage it. Just like you would handle an upgrade, for example.

The option of changing the log level in the console might be the easiest. This way, you can send the command and not see the console answer. But beware that you might need the log level for other cases.
That is understandable. Viz users don't need admin rights.
But I am sure you have a tech department (engineering, support or however is called) that handles hardware and software maintenance and configuration. You can ask them to turn on the option you prefer, then you manage it. Just like you would handle an upgrade, for example.

The option of changing the log level in the console might be the easiest. This way, you can send the command and not see the console answer. But beware that you might need the log level for other cases.

Yes, we do have an IT department that deals with all that stuff. And usually, I do need to have the log level of the console pretty high, as I do all the coding around here and I need all the info I can get.
It just would be great to have a way to silence the console feedback for specific commands I send, through SendCommand. If all commands would be silent if preceeded by a "-1", it would be amazing. But it seems to only work for some commands.