I went to the learnlightwave seminar here in Atlanta this week and saw a guy running lightwave and DF at the same time from the same dongle and he acted shocked when I didn't. He said he got it as part of the recent promotion. Now to tell the truth I am confussed. I got my copy of DF through the upgrade promtion too, but I got a paralell port dondle and a $99 pricetag when I inquired about getting a USB dongle... what the heck? am I only person who got the paralel dongle? I like to use lightwave on my laptop and would use DF on my laptop too, but it doesn't have a LPT port. I moved DF to my Toaster box and it works like a champ. I was wondering if I bought a whole new seat of lightwave would it come with the DFX keyed to the dongle? anyone else out there recently get the upgrade deal? and if so how was your DF keyed?