I want to add the template with story in playlist using MSE Rest API but when i post this string
"<story><storyID>6</storyID><storySlug>Story Name</storySlug><item><objID>1005475</objID><description>This is the mos desription</description></item></story>"
then only template added in playlist...
I want to add template in story group. Images attached for reference.
Any suggestions would be great.
I want to add the template with story in playlist using MSE Rest API but when i post this string
"<story><storyID>6</storyID><storySlug>Story Name</storySlug><item><objID>1005475</objID><description>This is the mos desription</description></item></story>"
then only template added in playlist...
I want to add template in story group. Images attached for reference.
Any suggestions would be great.