Macro to get the internal show ID


New member

is it possible to get the VDom path on the MSE of the current show? It would be something like this:

I need to get the internal id ({C784BA7D-E4AA-406F-819A-40528342B4F5} in this case)

Is there any way to get it using a macro or some kind of script?

I know that if you click on a page and press CTRL+SHIFT+V the Vdom will popup with the URL of the page selected... so I'd just need that URL

Hey! BTW, I found a way to do this (in case someone is interested). Using the show:export_show c:\\TEMP\\SHOW.Trioshow you can export the show, and in the second line of this file you will find the Trio ID

TrioCmd "show:export_show c:\\TEMP\\SHOW.Trioshow"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso_OpenTextFile("c:\\TEMP\\SHOW.Trioshow", 1)
MyNewID = file.ReadLine
MyNewID = file.ReadLine
MyNewID = Mid(MyNewID, InStr(MyNewID, "{"))
msgbox "Trio ID is: " & MyNewID