3D Border

hugo covelo

I´m trying to add a 3dBorder over a flat map but not for a selected country or region but all the countries (selected and unselected) It is possible use this plugin in this way in a flat map? I know that´s possible over a Navigator Scene
Hi, Lars. Thanks for you answer.
In fact I knew this tutorial but it show a Navigator Scene, made with Map Builder Scene Plugin. My problem is that I've made my flat map in another way simply dragging GeoImage Plugin and CWMClient Pugin into the Tree so its behavior is different (there are no "hops" and camera movements)
I´m working in a quite complex weather Scene and I prefer do not start from zero. Basically I need to draw borders over Isobars and Isotherms. I fixed this problem using a slave holow map (only borders no fills) but I´m not too satisfied with this solution